
"Please take time to write a paragraph giving your own self-assessment and perspective on your progress in US History.  In doing so, please answer these questions:  Are there any particular skills or understandings you have developed?  What do you anticipate going forward?" -Mrs. Lawson

I believe that the skills I've developed in US History during the first quarter of the year are going to be indispensable not only in the coming year, but in future classes and in aiding my own perspective on the world. Our first activity that involved empathy and sympathy was incredibly informative and helpful and I can now apply what I have learned to not only analyzing the lives of people in the past but also reaching out as a part of the human race to feel what others all over the globe are experiencing. Watching the movie Lincoln by Steven Speilburg also had a powerful impact on me and inspired a whole new respect for people who I might have judged harshly in the past for taking jobs that have to deal with handling and debating highly controversial but very important news or events. It takes a person of immense moral character with a sizeable dream to change the world for the better, and even to take on a high pressure position of power like that. I am looking forward to how these life skills become applicable not only in the rest pf this class but in the rest of my life.


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